Why Is Asia Returning to Coal?

The fossil fuel is undergoing an unexpected renaissance in the region.

Although beset by different challenges and endowed with different means to tackle their energy problems, it seems that Asia’s three largest economies have found one answer: high-efficiency low-emissions coal plants and carbon capture technologies. It’s becoming clear that, much like renewables have greatly progressed in terms of potential and costs, the coal plants being deployed in 2017 (and beyond) have little in common with the proverbial smokestacks of the 1950s and 1960s.

Why Is Asia Returning to Coal?

Just a few short years ago, few would have dared to predict that coal could have a future in the energy policies of emerging and developed countries alike. Yet the fossil fuel is undergoing an unexpected renaissance in Asia, buoyed by technical breakthroughs and looming questions about squaring development with energy security.

1 thought on “Why Is Asia Returning to Coal?”

  1. Scott Dredge

    From the article ‘The battle over emissions and air quality is even more tense in China, where pollution and smog are provoking outrage among China’s growing middle class.’ I was in Beijing and Wuhan China last month and the air quality was the worst I’ve ever seen. Likewise, I’ve never seen so much large scale construction projects. Hundreds of construction cranes permeating the city. One week after that I was at ’71above’ which was 71 floors above downtown Los Angeles and had a spectacular 360 degree crystal clear view of the city. Gave me a whole new appreciation of the many people who work tirelessly to clean up messy environments.

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