Whitlock: Black Pride Religion Ordained By White Liberals Taking Black People And America Straight To Hell – OutKick

Three Crosses BLM 2 1024x576I encourage you to read Whitlock’s entire article. He knocks it out of the park. He’s writing as a black Christian conservative. 

Whitlock: Black Pride Religion Ordained By White Liberals Taking Black People And America Straight To Hell – OutKick:

I am repulsed by the people who have worked tirelessly for more than 400 years to convince black people that our skin color is our most prized asset and defining characteristic. This conceit originally led to our physical enslavement. It has now led to our mental enslavement.

The root of my disdain is biblical. Sixty years ago, the hallmark of black culture was religious faith. It carried us through slavery, Jim Crow segregation, lynching and was the power source of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Civil Rights Movement.

Black Lives Matter is a mega church for the religion of blackness. LeBron James and Colin Kaepernick are pastors at the Nike denomination of BLM.

Look at what has happened in our lifetime. As a child, the most frequent message you would see at a televised sporting event was a fan in the stands holding a sign reading “John 3:16.” Now, we are bombarded with messages promoting the salvation of loving blackness. Some NBA players wore jerseys with “Love Us” emblazoned on the back. Can they not recognize their narcissism?

Salvation, justice and fairness are delivered through the love of God, not through the love of man regardless of his skin color. We used to understand this. Love, submission and obedience to God ended slavery and Jim Crow, and they will retard the last vestiges of American bigotry.

The key to bringing down America and installing socialism and then communism is disconnecting black people from religion and connecting us to political theories hostile toward Christianity and other religions.