We need to pass the National Right-to-Work Act. No one should be forced to join a union.

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Every American should have the right to work. Compulsory union membership is a violation of workers’ free speech and association liberties.

Right to work is a very simple concept. It simply means that no worker should be compelled to join or pay dues to a union just to get or keep a job.

Twenty-seven states have now enacted and implemented right-to-work laws, with five joining in the last eight years. 

And on June 27 of last year, the U.S Supreme Court handed down one of the most significant employee rights legal victories in the history of the right-to-work movement with the Janus decision, which ended the forced payment of union dues or fees for millions of government workers nationwide.

Unfortunately, there are more private sector American workers in the 23 non-right-to-work states and others in the railway and airline industries who still work under compulsory unionism.