Warning: Language, violence, and neckbeards in videos below
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Antifa in Seattle attempted to murder a police officer by hitting his head with a metal baseball bat as the Black Lives Matter mob surrounded him. This video was deleted. pic.twitter.com/DoBl5IiDIa
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Watch: A rioter at the BLM-antifa Portland riot throws a large Molotov cocktail at @PortlandPolice. #PortlandRiots #antifa pic.twitter.com/mRGCAbFOQe
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St. Louis, Mo.: The police headquarters was set on fire by rioters. #BLM pic.twitter.com/GoiRKDlGhk
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Black Lives Matter activists racially abuse black police officer in Los Angeles. This is the face of civility against anarchy. pic.twitter.com/9vMLv3eNNY