Voting for Democrats risks eternal damnation, says Catholic church bulletin

If the Roman Catholic Church were really interested in these matters, they would excommunicate any politician member who votes for abortion.

Plenty of people on both sides of the political aisle have described the stakes of the upcoming presidential election in biblical terms.

But at least one person in a San Diego Catholic church took things a step further in recent weeks. In an insert to the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church’s weekly bulletin on Oct. 16, a flier told parishioners that “it is a mortal sin to vote Democrat,” according to NBC 7.

In the Catholic Church, a mortal sin is one that would condemn a soul to hell unless the person confesses and repents. The flier reminded readers of this fact in graphic terms, telling them they are at risk of “descending into Hell” and “eternal damnation,” if they support Democratic nominees for office, per NBC 7.

The basis of this claim, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports, were five issues where the flier’s writer said the Democratic party violated Church doctrine: abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, human cloning and embryonic stem cell research.

Then, on Oct. 30, an article within the bulletin compared a statement by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to Satan, according to the Union-Tribune.

“The devil does this through tactics outlined by Saul Alinsky with the outcome as Hillary Clinton stated ‘And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed,’ to draw us away from God’s teachings regarding the sanctity of life to those of the world and its prince,” the bulletin said.

The article also included a veiled reference to a politically charged statement made by Clinton when she said half of Republican nominee Donald Trump’s supporters could be put in a “basket of deplorables.”

“We are called by politicians such as Hillary Clinton, deplorables,” the article said of Catholics who oppose same-sex marriage or accepting refugees from the Middle East. The article went on to express support for the Second Amendment and criticized immigrants while “Americans … sit home and not work,” according to the Union-Tribune.