Another sexual assault victim is proven to be lying.
And the ACLU is not happy about this, accusing Chief Brandon of using facts to “shut down conversations.”
Crazy that anyone should use facts in their defense!
Burlington, VT – 18-year-old Logan Huysman took to social media after her arrest, claiming that Burlington police sexually assaulted her. She even showed off bruises on her arms as proof. In response, Chief Brandon del Pozo released the bodycam footage which showed an impaired Huysman acting disorderly, assaulting police officers, and more (video below.)
Not only that, but Chief Brandon del Pozo even responded directly to the girl’s Facebook post, prompting a wave of outrage at the girl’s behavior which resulted in her deleting the post.
The ACLU is not happy that the chief released facts about the case in order to counter lies spread by Logan Huysman, accusing him of using facts to “shut down conversations.”
“There’s a fine line between engaging the community, which is something we want our law enforcement officers to do, and doing what some might see as trying to shut down conversations,” said Jay Diaz, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont, according to Katie Jickling with Seven Days. “Affirmatively posting on a citizen’s Facebook page, especially in a sensitive situation, seems fairly inappropriate and would be understandably chilling.”
I think that anyone who falsely accuses someone of sexual assault should be shut down immediately, charged with a crime, and receive the same sentence that their accuser would have received. lex talionis!