U.S. Ambassador to Germany: I Want to Empower European Conservatives

Funny how different news media spin the exact same story. 

The republicans take it as empowering conservatives. 

U.S. Ambassador to Germany: I Want to Empower European Conservatives

OAN Newroom UPDATED 10:59 AM PT – Mon. June 4, 2018 President Trump’s newly picked ambassador to Germany says he’s excited about the wave of conservatism making its way across Europe. In an interview over the weekend, Richard Grenelll said there are lot of conservative leaders in Europe who have contacted him telling him they feel the conservative resurgence on the continent.

The liberals take it as a trying to support “far-right nationalists” (AKA, Nazis) by Trump.

Germans Appalled by Threat From Trump’s Ambassador to Help Far-Right Nationalists Take Power Across Europe

The German government demanded a formal explanation from the United States on Monday of what, exactly, the new U.S. ambassador in Berlin, Richard Grenell, meant when he promised to use his office to help far-right nationalists inspired by Donald Trump take power across Europe.