Tuesday’s flood the worst in Moscow’s history

56881410 2461409260560724 7816063514841186304 nOld timers tell me they recall 1996 being worse. But not according to the data. 

We should be grateful for the mitigation steps taken after the 1996 flood. Otherwise Tuesday would have been catastrophically devastating. 

Tuesday’s flood was the worst in Moscow’s history.  The City of Moscow’s Acting Public Works Director Tyler Palmer says they observed Paradise Creek crest at the official gauge at 11.4 feet.  That’s higher than the previous record of 11.3 feet set during the historic 1996 flood.

The record flood damaged dozens of homes and businesses.  The storm water system backed up all over town causing flooding in areas never seen before including downtown and to the North on US Highway 95.  The city shop flooded for the first time.  The city had to set up a 3rd sandbagging station for property owners in parts of Moscow that had never flooded before.

Palmer says that the operators of the city’s Water Reclamation and Reuse Facility did an amazing job preventing sewage from dumping into Paradise Creek.  The plant reached maximum capacity.  Palmer reports that the facility Manager Evan Timar and the Supervisor Rodney Cook ran the system perfectly to prevent a spill.

Tuesday’s flood the worst in Moscow’s history

Tuesday’s flood was the worst in Moscow’s history. The City of Moscow’s Acting Public Works Director Tyler Palmer says they observed Paradise Creek crest at the official gauge at 11.4 feet. That’s higher than the previous record of 11.3 feet set during the historic 1996 flood.