“I welcome all points of view…science rarely provides immutable answers about anything,” Droegemeier said in response to a question about climate change.
“I think science is the loser when we tend to vilify and marginalize other voices,” he later added, “and I think we have to have everyone at the table talking about these things and let science take us where it takes us.”
Refreshing, having a politician defend scientific freedom.
OU meteorologist Kelvin Droegemeier has been confirmed to be President Trump’s top science adviser, the first time the position was held by a climatologist, says Climate Change Dispatch.
The Senate used a voice vote — an expedited process for uncontroversial nominees — to approve Droegemeier on Wednesday night, the final night of the current Congress.
Droegemeier was nominated Aug. 1 to be director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. Trump has worked without a formal science adviser during the first two years of his presidency.
Trump’s Science Adviser Confirmed And His Views On Climate Change Are Refreshing
Science is a general term, and opinions about what is or isn’t good science can, and regularly do, differ so talking about ‘the science’ is a bit risky. The new adviser seems to have recognized this but the we-know-it-all climate crowd, who have been used to getting their own way, are unlikely to be impressed….