Trump announces ban on transgender people in U.S. military

This will make the progressives see red.

Since transgenderism is a mental health issue, you would think that this would indeed be a disqualifying military condition, what’s more the need for ongoing medical expenses (hormone therapy at taxpayer expense). 

Integrating blacks into the military (69 years ago on the date Trump tweeted this policy!) is not equivalent. Skin pigmentation doesn’t disqualify anyone from anything. 

Via the AP:

President Donald Trump abruptly declared a ban Wednesday on transgender troops serving anywhere in the U.S. military, catching the Pentagon flat-footed and unable to explain what it called Trump’s “guidance.” His proclamation, on Twitter rather than any formal announcement, drew bipartisan denunciations and threw currently serving transgender soldiers into limbo.

“Please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military,” the commander in chief tweeted.

Trump wrote that he had consulted with “my generals and military experts,” but he did not mention Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, the retired Marine general who less than one month ago told the military service chiefs to spend another six months weighing the costs and benefits of allowing transgender individuals to enlist. At the time, Mattis said this “does not presuppose the outcome of the review,” but Trump’s tweets appeared to have done just that.

1 thought on “Trump announces ban on transgender people in U.S. military”

  1. Scott Dredge

    The ban won’t be implemented. And yes, blacks were banned for the same exact reason (‘too disruptive, etc.’). Same thing for interracial marriage & homo marriage bans (‘against God’s will’). Conservatives always over play their hand with these types of racial and gender discrimination. Bathroom bans will thankfully soon be struck down.

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