Transgender woman sues Idaho over birth certificate policy

More biology deniers making political policy. 

A transgender woman is suing Idaho in federal court for refusing to change the gender listed on her birth certificate.

Most states allow people to change their birth certificate to reflect their gender identity rather than the gender they were assigned at birth. Only Idaho, Kansas, Ohio and Tennessee have policies or laws prohibiting such changes.

Notice the passive voice? “rather than the gender they were assigned at birth.”

Who assigned their gender? Why, the doctor randomly assigned it. 

In the lawsuit, the 28-year-old identified only with the initials F.V. says she has been living as a woman since she was 15. She lives in Hawaii now but was born in Boise, and so asked the Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics in March to change the gender listed on her birth certificate.

Idaho officials refused. In the lawsuit filed Tuesday, the woman contends that Idaho’s policy serves no valid purpose, subjects her to discrimination and burdens her right to define and reflect her gender identity.

“A woman has the right to be treated as a woman, rather than a man, by her government; and the fact that she is a woman who is transgender does not change that right,” her attorneys with the law firm Lambda Legal wrote in the lawsuit. The New York-based law firm focuses on civil rights issues affecting people in the LGBTQ community.