This Mother of 3 Is on the Sex Offender Registry for Life Because She Made a Mistake as a Teen


Only 5% of the 17,000 people on the Georiga sex offenders list are clearly dangerous. That list includes Shawna, who is a married mother of three. Shawna was convicted of a felony and put on the sex offenders list for life when she was 19. She got drunk and had sex with a younger teenager. Being on the sex offenders list prevents her from going to the park with her children.

The US needs to rethink how it deals with dangerous sex offenders and those who are not. 

Here is Shawna Baldwin’s tale. She is on the registry for life. Do you feel safer now? 

Dear Free-Range Kids: My name is Shawna and I am a required to register as a sex offender for having sex with a teen when I was a teen myself. Here is my story.

When I was 12 my mom befriended a neighbor in the apartment complex we lived in at the time. She was around 21-22 at the time and I thought she was absolutely the coolest person I had ever met. I idolized her. She was more interested in being my friend than my mom’s friend, and was there for me through some very bad times while we were neighbors. We moved and lost contact. Then when I was 18 we reconnected.

She was around 31 at this time and hung out with her friend’s 14-year-old son. I had moved in with her and the 3 of us became close friends. She would always tell me how much he liked me and that him and I could have mixed-colored babies and they would be so pretty.Which got my mind thinking about him in a way that was more than friends.

On my 19th birthday she said she wanted to have a party and the 3 of us got drunk and played truth or dare. She had us dance naked and kiss in front of her. Him and I had sex that night.

The next morning she took him to his mom and she filed charges against me. I was sentenced to 6 months jail, lifetime probation and lifetime registry as a sex offender. I will be turning 34 in December and I’m still required to register and be on probation. I have to take polygraphs every 6 months and still attend sex offender group therapy. I have 3 children and this is starting to affect them.

Two years ago they passed a law that says I cannot take my kids to the park anymore. This includes lakes, as they are State parks. Their friends can never stay over for a sleepover and where I can have their birthday parties is limited. My husband and I, along with our 3 kids, have had to move in with my mom on many different occasions, due to my restriction on where I can live and not being able to find a home.

I have all the backing from my probation officer and therapist to try and get off probation and registry. However, due to my felony, it is hard to find any job where I would make the amount of money I need to go back to court.

The system is failed and everyone is being painted with a broad brush. I want to become a voice for sex offenders and hopefully get connected with the right people and organization to start changing some of these laws. Not everyone should be called a sex offender.

Sincerely, Shawna

Via Reason