The Case for the Baker in the Gay-Wedding Culture War

NewImageFrom Andrew Sullivan writing in New York Magazine:

It always worries me when gays advocate taking freedom away from other people. It worries me as a matter of principle. But it also unsettles me because some gay activists do not seem to realize that the position they’re taking is particularly dangerous for a tiny and historically despised minority. The blithe unconcern for the First Amendment in the war on “hate speech,” for example, ignores the fact that, for centuries, the First Amendment was the only defense the gay minority ever had — and now, with the first taste of power, we are restricting the rights of others in this respect? Ugh. Endorse the state’s right to coerce speech or conscience and you have ceded a principle that can so easily come back to haunt you. The freedom of any baker to express himself is, in this respect, indistinguishable from that of any gay person to do so — a truth that our current tribalism blinds so many to. I hope, in other words, that the baker prevails — but that the Supreme Court decision doesn’t turn on religious so much as artistic freedom.

1 thought on “The Case for the Baker in the Gay-Wedding Culture War”

  1. Scott Dredge

    They’re not advocating taking freedom away from anyone. They simply want equal treatment for themselves which is not an egregious request and further is a constitutional right for a customer buying goods in the public square in the United States. In this case, the baker denied service solely on the basis that a cake would be served at a homo wedding. Like most religious zealots, he has a controlling personality and then cries ‘foul’ when he thinks he’s being controlled.

    “Some gay activists do not seem to realize that the position they’re taking is particularly dangerous for a tiny and historically despised minority.” What position should they take? They should be happy that they’re second class citizens instead of being stoned to death? Thankfully the younger crowd isn’t hung up with a seething hatred toward gays, trannies, and the like so once the older crowd dies off this won’t be an issue. But why should be required to wait for this transition?

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