Tennessee Two-Step

DEA and SWAT teams start paying $1m for these kinds of screw-ups, and you’d see them not occur any more.


Drug Enforcement Administration agents and members of the Bradley County, Tennessee, SWAT team knocked down the door to Spencer Renck’s home and tossed several flash bang-bang grenades, including one thrown into the room his young son was in. They tackled Renck to the ground, handcuffed him and arrested him. Minutes later, they figured out they were in the wrong home. Renck says officers told him they made the mistake because he has a white car like the man they were looking for.

Brickbat: Tennessee Two-Step

Drug Enforcement Administration agents and members of the Bradley County, Tennessee, SWAT team knocked down the door to Spencer Renck’s home and tossed several flash bang-bang grenades, including one thrown into the room his young son was in. They tackled Renck to the ground, handcuffed him and arrested him.