Team Obama to use IRS data to pressure some Americans into Obamacare

Health Overhaul Chipping Away JPEG 022f5 c0 172 4096 2559 s561x327I’ve heard many millennials say that they are never sick, and they aren’t going to pay for it.

The Obama administration said Tuesday it will herd uninsured Americans into Obamacare plans this fall by targeting young adults and working with the IRS to root out people who paid a penalty for lacking coverage last year.

Officials said people who were fined under the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate can expect to receive a paper notice that explains their coverage options on the law’s web-based exchanges. The state of Massachusetts is already working with its revenue agency to locate the uninsured, and the Obama administration said those efforts appeared to be working.

The Health and Human Services Department said nearly half — or 45 percent — of people who paid the mandate tax or claimed an exemption from it for the 2014 tax year were under age 35, even though the age group accounted for only 30 percent of all taxpayers overall.

These young adults tend to be healthier than the rest of the market, so the administration wants to prod them into the exchanges to keep premiums down.

Translation: they want to have a transfer of wealth from the young & healthy to the old & sickly. 

I hope that everyone under 35 who supported Bernie enrolls in Obamacare. It would be poetic justice. 

Via The Washington Times