All it would take is a few lawsuits to fix this. “You told me this would make me a woman. I’m no woman.”
Writing in The Daily Signal, Walt Heyer, who underwent the full transgender procedure of taking hormones and having his genitalia removed so he could live as a woman before ultimately realizing he made a terrible mistake, asserts that even the world-famous surgeon who operated on him admitted that changing one’s hormones and removing one’s genitalia do not change a biological man into a biological woman.
Heyer recalls that his “sex change” surgery from male to female was performed by Stanley Biber in Trinidad, Colorado. He notes that Trinidad was nicknamed the “Sex Change Capital of the World,” and that Biber himself said he performed over 5,000 such surgeries during his career.
Eight years after the surgery, Heyer recognized his mistake. He writes that in order to legally change his gender back to male, he had to file a petition with the California Superior Court that verified he met certain criteria.
Thus Biber wrote a letter to the court stating that Heyer met the medical criteria, but also acknowledged that hormones and surgery had not changed Heyer into a female. Heyer writes, “In the letter, he testified that the surgery and cross-gender hormones had the effect of neutering my external appearance and genitalia, but my internal biological structure and my genetics were still male.”
Heyer quotes fellow survivor of transgender surgery, Rene Jax, who wrote in his 2016 book, DON’T Get on The Plane!, “Sex change surgery will ruin your life.” Heyer adds, “Both of us came away with the same conclusions: gender change surgery was a destructive body mutilation and a waste of time and money; after the medically-certified gender change, life didn’t improve; gender dysphoria, that feeling of unease with one’s gender, persisted, and was not relieved as promised.”