SUNY lecturer charged for stealing GOP lawn signs

Because liberals are so tolerant of those they agree with. 

Police arrested a State University of New York professor after he got caught on camera allegedly stealing GOP signs from a New York home’s lawn.

video allegedly showed SUNY New Paltz economics lecturer Laura Ebert stealing yard signs from a New York home supporting Republican candidates in New York during the 2018 midterm election cycle. The Rosendale Town Police Department charged Ebert with a larceny misdemeanor for the theft of the signs, according to the police reportobtained by The Washington Free Beacon.

The lawn signs supported New York Republican Rep. John Faso for Congress and Marc Molinaro, the New York Republican gubernatorial candidate. 

“I did it in a moment of weakness and high emotion,” Ebert said in a statement to Campus Reform. “I meant no personal harm, and don’t know the person whose lawn the sign was on. I have family I love that support Trump, so I was after the sign, not the person.”

“I have apologized and feel bad, but clearly the GOP is putting a big deal [of] spin on this,” she continued. “Many signs have been taken and disfigured, which, while no excuse for my bad behavior, doesn’t warrant the death threats I have received on my email about it. Nor the smear campaign after me including notifying my supervisor.”