Students sit in until WSU stands up

NewImageIt’s amazing that students have so much time on their hands to protest. Well, I was a STEM major in college, not a x-studies major. We had work to do. Via the Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Minority groups question university leaders face-to-face about its response to perceived racism on campus

Student minority groups made their demands known to Washington State University leadership Friday during a sit-in outside the Office of the President amid what they say are acts of racism at WSU.

It was an emotional event that left several protesters and Kimberly Anderson of the Office of Equal Opportunity in tears as students chanted, carried signs and shared stories of racism they had experienced on campus.

“I’m promising you that we will make a difference,” Anderson told protesters with tears in her eyes.

But some students appeared unmoved by the statement. Several expressed frustration that they had heard the same responses from leadership for years – most recently from WSU President Kirk Schulz.

“You should not be saying thank you [for our stories],” one woman said from the crowd. “You should be sorry for not making it a safe place in the first place.”

Members of the Black Student Union, the Gender and Sexuality Alliance, the Asian Pacific American Student Coalition and other minority groups called upon the immediate action of Schulz, Anderson, Board of Regents Vice Chair Ron Sims and Provost Dan Bernardo to implement five actions to reduce racism at WSU.

Those actions include creating policy defining free speech versus hate speech; implementing required cultural competency and ally training for all first-year students, faculty and staff; retaining and protecting critical culture, gender and race studies and resource centers; hiring more staff and faculty of color; and creating more gender-inclusive facilities.

Let me just pick one of those apart: defining free speech verses hate speech. What they really mean by “free speech” is speech that they agree with; or at least, speech that doesn’t offend them. As the ACLU and the SCOTUS have repeatedly said, “hate speech” is free speech. 

What the snowflakes don’t understand is that they are actually practicing fascist tactics.