Student Debt is a Woman’s Problem

This is fascinating. 

The gap between male and female student debt nearly doubled in four years. 

Why are women more easily duped into majoring in worthless degrees and paying for over-priced degree programs? 

American women’s $1 trillion burden

Student debt is on its way to becoming a universally American problem, but there’s more evidence to indicate that it’s a particularly acute challenge for women. The gap between the amount of debt shouldered by male and female graduates has nearly doubled in the past four years, according to a report released Monday by the American Association for University Women.



The gap between the amount of debt shouldered by male and female graduates has nearly doubled in the past four years, according to a reportreleased Monday by the American Association for University Women. On average, female bachelor’s degree recipients graduated with $2,700 more in debt in 2016 than their male counterparts. That’s up from about a $1,400 gap in 2012.

If trends continue on their current trajectory, Kevin Miller, a senior researcher at AAUW and the author of the report, estimates that the outstanding student debt held by women alone could reach $1 trillion over the next year. If the ratio of debt owed by women versus men stays the same, then men hold about $550 billion at that time. “We’ll be keeping a watch on it,” he said.

The data adds to the growing body of evidence — much of which has been published by AAUW — that student debt is a women’s issue. Although they make up just 56% of American college students, women hold nearly two-thirds of America’s outstanding student debt, or about $890 billion, and take longer to pay it off.

Be sure to check out the book Worthless: The Young Person’s Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major