Salesforce CEO: “I Strongly Believe That Capitalism As We Know It Is Dead”

Getty 1178857046 2000133318378526557 403701Mark Benioff’s net worth is about $6,500,000

Benioff’s comment about capitalism demonstrates that he doesn’t really understand what capitalism is all about. His net worth also says he’s a liar. 

“I really strongly believe that capitalism as we know it is dead… that we’re going to see a new kind of capitalism and that new kind of capitalism that’s going to emerge is not the Milton Friedman capitalism that’s just about making money,” said Benioff. “And if your orientation is just about making money, I don’t think you’re going to hang out very long as a CEO or a founder of a company.”

Marc Benioff | Disrupt SF 2019

Marc Benioff says that capitalism as we know it is dead, and explains why companies need to do good not just for shareholders, but all stakeholders