Require Welfare Recipients To Work Reduces Poverty And Improves Lives

This always reminds me of what the Apostle Paul said in 2 Thess. 3:10 — “If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.”

Our government subsidizes not working of the lazy, slothful, leaching type.

Require welfare recipients to work reduces poverty and improves lives, writes AEI’s Lawrence Mead.

A major cause of poverty is simply that few poor adults, both men and women, work regularly. The welfare reform of the late 1990s caused millions of welfare mothers to leave welfare for work, reducing the rolls by two-thirds and making most of the leavers better off. As work levels among poor mothers soared, poverty among children and minorities plunged to the lowest levels in history.

Work requirements should be extended to food stamps and housing subsidies, he argues.

“We should also develop work programs for poor men in connection with child support and criminal justice.”