Report: Washington, Idaho struggle with education

“Preschool, middle school math and late graduation noted as challenges.”

The following from the Daily News references a report released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

According to state-issued school report cards, Moscow is one of many Idaho schools that outperform the state average, with 43 percent of eighth-grade students testing proficient or advanced in math in 2015 and 54.9 percent in the same category in 2015-16.

The rest of the world calls 43% and 54.9% a failing grade. The Daily News calls it “outperforming”. 

In Washington, Pullman eighth-graders tested higher than 52 percent proficient in 2016.

Another failing grade. 

Both states continue to wrestle with timely graduation, according to the report, with 21 percent of Idaho students and 22 percent of Washington students not graduating on time, compared to 17 percent nationwide.