This is what I’m talking about! Parents voting with their feet.
Several Pullman families have decided to transfer their children out of the Pullman School District which is causing a drop in state funding.
Since last week’s Pullman School Board 3 to 2 vote to delay their phased reopening of schools until next year, 15 students have transferred out of the district. Most of the students are transferring to Colfax where all grades have returned to the classroom.
The State of Washington pays schools about 10,000 dollars annually for every full-time equivalent student. Pullman Schools Finance Director Diane Hodge says the unusually high number of transfers over the last few days will cost the district about 140,000 dollars in state funding. Pullman enrollment is already 162 students below projections. The drop in students has cost the district about 1.7 million dollars in state funding in the current fiscal year.
Hodge says reserves will be able to make up the difference for the current budget. She notes that the unexpected use of reserves will have a negative impact on the district’s financial standing going forward.
Pullman School District voters approved a 4-year maintenance and operations levy last Winter. That tax will begin to be assessed next year.