Rachel Doležal: As “Black” as she wants to be!!

He has an excellent perspective. 

Is Rachel Doležal “Black”? Well, to quote everyone’s two favorite “honorary Black folks”, Bill & Hillary Clinton, “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”, and “What difference at this point does it make?!”  You see, nowadays, reality doesn’t actually matter. It’s all about what one THINKS and FEELS that matters, and we are all supposed to “respect” what someone else THINKS and FEELS…even if they are wrong.

I find it amusing that modern Leftist/Regressive/Socialist minded people claim to be the product of the Enlightenment Period, and they are quick to say that Bruce Jenner can and should be treated like a woman, simply because he THINKS he is one…but Rachel Doležal can’t be regarded as a Black Woman, even though she walks, talks, thinks, and acts like one.

Rachel Doležal: As “Black” as she wants to be!!

Is Rachel Doležal “Black”? Well, to quote everyone’s two favorite “honorary Black folks”, Bill & Hillary Clinton, “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” , and “What difference at this point does it make?!” You see, nowadays, reality doesn’t actually matter.