Preacher carrying ‘you deserve to be raped’ sign hit over the head by baseball bat-wielding woman

Not a fan of his message. Not a fan of his tactics. 

Yet when I was a child, the old saying was “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” 

Today, Antifa love sticks and stones because words are too painful to bear. 

Preacher carrying ‘you deserve to be raped’ sign hit over the head by baseball bat-wielding woman

But when he embarked on one of his unsolicited missions this month at Apollo High School, Tabitha Brubaker, 19, responded to what she called hate speech by striking him over the head with a baseball bat, according to authorities. She has been charged with felony assault. Police also charged her with marijuana possession.

Saxton’s camera is still rolling when he is hit, and some people standing around him seem to celebrate. Brubaker is out of frame, but she has been arrested for hitting Saxton.