POTUS says he’ll have a ‘scary’ amount of power if Supreme Court doesn’t overturn DACA

This is perplexing. 

You may recall that Obama created DACA, which essentially allowed young persons brought into the U.S. illegally to remain indefinitely, out of thin air — via executive order — after repeatedly claiming in the months before his 2012 reelection that presidents don’t have the authority to arbitrarily change statutory law.

Obama was allowed to create DACA out of thin air by an Executive stroke of the pen. 

But Trump is not allowed to uncreate DACA with a stroke of the pen. 

Trump is right: if the President can create law by will, then anything goes. And heaven forbid we get a tyrant in the White House. 

POTUS says he’ll have a ‘scary’ amount of power if Supreme Court doesn’t overturn DACA

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said that should the U.S. Supreme Court rule that the Obama-era Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is legal and can’t be dismantled by executive order, then he will have inherited a “scary” amount of power. //pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); “If the Supreme Court rules that President Obama…