Pot shops sprouting in Pullman area

From the LMT

The marijuana market in Pullman and Whitman County may soon be saturated.

In the span of about a week, one business owner has applied to set up a pot shop in Whitman County and two have applied for spots in Pullman. If the businesses get the green light, both the city and county will reach the maximum number of marijuana retailers allotted by the state.

In Whitman County, Premium Roast LLC of Seattle has applied to set up a retail shop at the intersection of the Pullman-Moscow Highway and Airport Road. The 8-acre site, formerly occupied by Crossroads Nursery, is about 0.8 miles from the Idaho state line.

The company applied last week for a conditional-use permit for the site, according to Whitman County Planner Alan Thomson. There will be a public hearing on the permit Oct. 6.

“My job is to make sure that the application complies with codes, and it does, as far as I’m concerned,” Thomson said.

Thomson said the company has already completed the environmental assessment required by the state.

The board of adjustment’s decision can be appealed to the Washington Supreme Court within a span of 24 days after minutes from the public hearing on the permit are published, Thomson said.

If that period passes without any appeals, the company is “in the clear,” Thomson said, and can move on to addressing licensing requirements from the state’s liquor and cannabis board.