POLL: Nearly 1 In 5 Americans Won’t Take COVID-19 Vaccine

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Well, they will still hit over 80% herd immunity (because many people refusing to take the experimental vaccine have already had COVID). 

While initial estimates for America to reach herd immunity against COVID-19 set the number at 40%-50%, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top immunologist in the country, has recently inflated that number up to 80% and beyond.

While nearly 70% of those recently surveyed by The Economist/YouGov said they have either already received the vaccine or are planning to get it, 18% said they will not be taking the shots.

When asked if they could be persuaded to get the vaccine, 79% said “no.”

The poll surveyed 1,500 U.S. adult citizens online between May 1 and May 4.

The findings appear to make reaching herd immunity far more difficult. Last month, Fauci said in an interview with CNBC News that the number for such immunity could well be “85 percent.”
