Ottawa Restaurant of 23 Years CLOSES: Minimum Wage Unsustainable

This is Econ 101. There is no surprise here. 

2 thoughts on “Ottawa Restaurant of 23 Years CLOSES: Minimum Wage Unsustainable”

  1. Scott Dredge

    As usual there is more to this story. The owner has been trying to sell his business for the past 2 years. Also his lease expires at the end of December. Funny how no one complains when landlords jack up rents even though their own costs are fixed. But God forbid that people who are actually busting their hump by doing the work get a boost in their wage. Same thing with the belly aching about so-called ‘death taxes’ and capital gain taxes. Sit on your ass and collect a tax-free inheritance, sit on your ass and collect tax-free capital gains (because a 15% capital gains tax is too much), but instead tax the worker bees while trying to keep their wages as low as possible.

    1. I’m curious how many businesses you have run? And how many employees you have had to pay?

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