NYT Reporter Calls Four Accurate Articles “Right Wing Misinformation.” Gets Called Out, Admits They’re “Factually Accurate” … But Says They’re Still “Misinformation.”

Welcome to liberal double-think. 

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Factually accurate stories are misinformation.

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For the conservatives who are mad about this: yes, it is possible for a story to be factually accurate *and* for it to be part of a misinformation campaign aimed at undermining confidence in an election. https://t.co/Ag4brfJzO4

And compare that to AOC’s comment: 

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“There’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” @AOC says in response to criticism that she’s made factual errors. https://t.co/sKf3sHl9F6 pic.twitter.com/xKc2eB7GEk

Factually incorrect cannot be morally correct. 

But here’s what she means: one can be wrong and tell falsehoods as long as one’s cause is just.