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The AR-15 is the modern day musket. An everyday gun for everyday citizens.
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6 minutes 20 seconds Is all it took for the shooter at my high school to fire over 100 rounds from his AR-15 to shoot 34 people.In that same amount of time even the most trained person would have only been able to fire 18 rounds with a musket.
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Where was your outrage when the leader of Chaz was handing out AR-15’s like candy?
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Video shows Raz Simone handing out a long rifle to another person inside the Seattle BLM “Autonomous Zone.” Guns, weapons and drugs are ubiquitous in and around the “no cop” zone.
NRA: AR-15 ‘Modern Day Musket.’ David Hogg: ‘Musket My A**.’ Juanita Broaddrick Fires Off Question For Hogg.
On Saturday, the National Rifle Association, possibly in response to the rioting and looting across the nation during the summer, issued a tweet describing the AR-15 as “the modern day musket.” “The AR-15 is the modern day musket. An everyday gun for everyday citizens,” the tweet reads.