No protests at Potlatch gun show at elementary school

NewImageAnd neither should there have been. This is Potlatch! 

Via the Moscow-Pullman Daily News:

The Potlatch Gun Show came and went Sunday without any issue, despite persistent rumors of protests in the days leading up to the event.

While the show has been held at the Potlatch Elementary School gymnasium for nearly three decades without incident, this year the event got some unwanted attention when a meme about it went viral following the school shooting in Parkland, Fla.
The meme features a flyer for the 29th annual gun show, with some commentary from a Twitter poster included:

“Half the US: let’s ban guns cause of school shootings.

Idaho: let’s have a gun show, IN the school.”

Latah County Sheriff Richie Skiles, who was at the show, said the four deputies scheduled to be on shift Sunday morning were asked to spend part of their day making a presence in Potlatch and periodically driving past the school to see if protesters had assembled. They never did.

“I’d rather be prepared and have nothing happen than have something happen and not be prepared,” Skiles said.

Skiles said if Potlatch had a grange hall or another venue large enough to facilitate the hundreds who attend the gun show every year, it would not have been held in the elementary school gymnasium, however, it is one of the only spaces in the town that can accommodate that many people.

Plus, he added, “a gun show in Potlatch is different than a gun show in, say, San Diego, where not many people may have hunted – these people have all hunted.”

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