Net Neutrality Rules Officially End Today as Democrats ‘Less Than 50 Votes’ From Advancing Petition in the House

NewImageThe internet worked fine before the Obama Administration put the net neutrality rules into effect in 2014. 

And the internet works fine today when net neutrality is not in effect again. 

Government should keep its hands off the internet and stop trying to regulate it, and there are lots of smart people who agree.

Net neutrality regulations officially expired in the United States earlier this morning, making today the first day of a post-net neutrality internet (via The New York Times). The expiration of the laws comes six months after the Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 in favor of repealing net neutrality, a vote that has since faced intense backlash including multi-state lawsuits and a recent move by Democrats to block the repeal

Although supporters and opponents of net neutrality greatly disagree on how the internet will look following the repeal, without the rules internet service providers like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T now have the legal ability to throttle any traffic on their networks, and block access to sites and services completely, as long as they inform their customers of their actions. In essence, many have theorized that this could lead to ISPs bundling “packages” of internet sites and selling them like cable companies, as well as putting high-paying customers in “fast lanes” and everyone else in “slow lanes.” 

Net Neutrality Rules Officially End Today as Democrats ‘Less Than 50 Votes’ From Advancing Petition in the House

Net neutrality regulations officially expired in the United States earlier this morning, making today the first day of a post-net neutrality internet (via The New York Times ). The expiration of the laws comes six months after the Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 in favor of repealing net neutrality, a vote that has since faced intense backlash including multi-state lawsuits and a recent move by Democrats to block the repeal.