Moscow councilors sign off on bond proposal

Grab your wallets again! Via the LMT

$8.5 million measure would go toward facilities

Following a lengthy presentation from City Manager Gary Riedner on Monday, the Moscow City Council directed city staff to begin preparing a major public facilities bond proposal for the May ballot.

The estimated value of the bond is about $8.5 million, although that could change after more architectural studies are completed.

The bond would allow the city to address several long-term facilities needs, including relocating and expanding the Moscow police station, as well as renovating the current police station and the Mann Building to provide needed space for the community development, engineering, human resources and information technology departments.
In Idaho, general obligation bonds must be approved by at least two-thirds of voters. Should the measure pass, Riedner said, “we wouldn’t be doing any additional capital construction for at least another 10 years.”