More math, more money

NewImageA local private school (which shall remain unnamed) requires all its students to complete Algebra 1 in 8th grade, Geometry in 9th grade, Algebra 2 in 10th grade, and then either pre-Calculus or College Algebra in 11th grade.

My mind is blown thinking that the kids mentioned below only have to complete Algebra 1 or Geometry.

“When states raise the number of math classes they require students to take in high school,” black students take more math and go on to earn more money, writes Emily DeRuy in The Atlantic.

study by Joshua Goodman, a Harvard public policy professor, “found big differences in outcomes for black students — but not for white students — after states raised minimum requirements,” writes DeRuy. “That was especially true for black students who graduated from public schools with lots of students of color.”

The higher requirements pushed more students to complete algebra and geometry — not calculus. “One of the reasons white students weren’t really affected by curriculum changes is that they were already taking the classes anyway,” she writes. “Black students weren’t.”

Via Joanne Jacobs