Migrant Group Demands Trup Let The in or Pay Each $500 to Turn Around

Illegals’ extortion. 

Two groups of migrants from Central America marched to the American consulate in Tijuana, Mexico, yesterday, with a list of demands to the Trump administration.

One of them asked the American president to either let them in the country or pay them $50,000 each to go home, a report said.

The first group, including about 100 migrants, arrived at the consulate around 11am on Tuesday. 

Migrant group demand Trump let them in or pay each $50G to turn around

Two groups of migrants wrote letters to the consulate, giving 72 hours to reply One of the groups was made up of about 100 migrants, the other one of about 50 Their list of demands included speeding up the asylum application process They also asked the US to remove Honduran President Hernandez from office Two groups of migrants from Central America marched to the American consulate in Tijuana, Mexico, yesterday, with a list of demands to the Trump administration.