LMT’s Marty Trillhaase: Idaho won’t overturn abortion law

All it takes is for the State of Idaho to invoke the 10th Amendment, just like Washington State, Colorado, Oregon, etc. have done with recreational marijuana laws. Idaho tells the Feds: we don’t care and you have no jurisdiction here. 

To all the anti-abortion rights activists roaming the Idaho Capitol, the U.S Supreme Court has a message for you: Stop. Quit. Give it a rest. That means you, Idaho Chooses Life director David Ripley. That means you, Kerry Uhlenkott, legislative coordinator of Right to Life of Idaho. And that most certainly means you, state Rep. Ron Nate, R-Rexburg, and House Assistant Majority Leader Brent Crane, R-Nampa. Stop telling us you’re merely watching over the health of Idaho’s women by placing obstacles between them and their constitutional rights. Stop trying to sell lawmakers – including those who know better but fear the political consequences of voting no — on the idea of targeted restrictions on abortion providers.