Liberal Donor Apologizes For Funding Group That Falsely Claimed Russians Supported Roy Moore In Alabama Senate Race

I don’t agree with his politics, but he did the right thing by coming clean. 

A liberal billionaire who funded an organization that falsely portrayed Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore as being supported by the Russian government has apologized.

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, millions to Democrat groups during the last election cycle, but one of those groups, American Engagement Technologies (AET) ran a disinformation campaign that linked Moore to the Kremlin. AET is run by former Obama appointee Mikey Dickerson and received $750,000 from Hoffman.

“I find the tactics that have been recently reported highly disturbing. For that reason, I am embarrassed by my failure to track AET – the organization I did support – more diligently as it made its own decisions to perhaps fund projects that I would reject,” Hoffman wrote in a post on Medium.

“I want to be unequivocal: there is absolutely no place in our democracy for manipulating facts or using falsehoods to gain political advantage,” he added.

And yet, that’s what his political side did. 

Liberal Donor Apologizes For Funding Group That Falsely Claimed Russians Supported Roy Moore In Alabama Senate Race

A liberal billionaire who funded an organization that falsely portrayed Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore as being supported by the Russian government has apologized.