Kidnapped Teenage Girl Held for 12 Years by Sex Grooming Gang

NewImageFor fear of being labeled racist or Islamophobic, the authorities did nothing. 

Kidnapped Teenage Girl Held for 12 Years by Sex Grooming Gang | Clarion Project

In one of the worst reported cases of a British sex grooming gang, a girl who was kidnapped when she was 15 years old was held by the gang for 12 years until she managed to escape. She remains a hunted woman until today by the gang.

In one of the worst cases of Britain’s sex grooming gangs reported, a girl who was kidnapped when she was 15 years old was held by the gang for 12 years until she managed to escape.

She remains a hunted woman until today by the gang.

The story of the girl, identified only as Sarah, was made public by Baroness Caroline Cox, a member of the House of Lords who has worked tirelessly for women’s rights. The story was reported extensively in the Daily Mail.

Sarah was a shy girl already in college when she was kidnapped by the gang from a supermarket parking lot. While she was being repeatedly raped, drugged and forced to have eight abortions by the Pakistani gang over 12 years of captivity, her parents’ desperate pleas for help were ignored by the police, who even refused to list Sarah as missing.

“The police kept saying leave it a few days, she’ll come back,” said her mother. “But she never did.”

A week after the kidnapping, Sarah’s brother arrived at the house where she was initially held. Sarah, who had been told by gang members that they would hurt her family if she ever revealed to them what had happened, stayed silent. Terrified neighbors also never tried to help for the same reason.

Armed with information about her possible location, Sarah’s parents again went to the police, who again refused to help. As the story of the systematic abuse by young British girls by multiple gangs of Muslim men (who viewed the girls as “white trash”) unfolded in the UK, it was revealed that the police – as well as other government employees — failed to pursue the gangs for fear of being labeled racists.