Islam and Liberalism, friends or foes?

From Being Classically Liberal

The dominant ‘feel good’ narrative on the left and in the Mainstream Media is that Islam is a religion of peace and only a very, very small minority of Muslims are extremists.

But consider this, an analysis of Pew Research showed that in the Muslim countries of Egypt, Jordan; Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Algeria, and Malaysia, 50% or more of the total resident population are in favor or strong favor of the death penalty for Muslims who renounce their religion.

88 percent in Egypt and 73 percent in Pakistan support death for apostates. That means that, as noted by David French, “From these [two] countries alone, there are more than 200 million Muslims who support capital punishment for basic free speech and freedom of conscience.”

“Western imperialism” didn’t make these people believe these things, their religion did.

Bigotry is wrong, and there are PLENTY of liberal and secular Muslims out there obviously. But let’s look at the damn facts for once instead of blindingly adhering to a narrative for the sole purpose of maintaining the politically correct status quo.