Is it Unreasonable to Ask US Muslims to Condemn Terror?

NewImageSan Diego State University Republicans are in hot water after calling on the local Muslim Students Association to condemn the Barcelona attack. From The College Fix

The open letter, signed by SDSU College Republicans Chairman Brandon Jones, read “until radical Islamic terrorism is disavowed by the Muslim Student Organization at SDSU, we cannot move forward in creating an inclusive environment for all students on campus.”

The open letter caused an immediate backlash. “We condemn the San Diego State College Republicans’ disgraceful statement towards the SDSU Muslim Student Association and the SDSU Muslim community,” The Young Democratic Socialists of SDSU said in a statement. “Retract and apologize now.”

Jones has been reported to diversity and inclusion campus administrators and the dean of students.

The College Republicans however are standing their ground.

“The San Diego State College Republicans are standing by our statement we sent to the SDSU Muslim Student Association. As far as the distaste that some students have expressed towards me personally, I am baffled by the hypocrisy that comes from the left. They have shown their true colors and have exposed their own double standard.”

By the way, notice that their logo has the sickle flying over SDSU.