Iran Demands US Chess Champ Wear Hijab at World Competition, Look How She Responds…

Looks like we need to send more women chess champs to the Middle East! 

Iran Demands US Chess Champ Wear Hijab at World Competition, Look How She Responds…

U.S. Chess Champion Nazi Paikidze-Barnes took a huge stand for women’s rights when she refused to take part in a major competition held in Iran that would have required her to don a hijab, among other oppressive restrictions, in order to participate. The Blaze reported: Nazi Paikidze is the reigning U.S.

1 thought on “Iran Demands US Chess Champ Wear Hijab at World Competition, Look How She Responds…”

  1. Scott Dredge

    Yes we do! We certainly have enough folks here in America who don’t want to conform to traditions such as using a bathrooms that match the gender listed on their birth certificate or marrying someone of an opposite gender, etc., etc., etc. It’s high time that traditions of other religions be challenged too!!

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