Iowa debut trip for potential 2020 hopeful Elizabeth Warren

New Congress JPG zAcbdYw t300She really shouldn’t be making an Indian hand sign. Just saying. 

DES MOINES, Iowa – Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts is making her first visit to Iowa as a likely presidential candidate, testing how her brand of fiery liberalism plays in the nation’s premier caucus state.

The visit was combining events at bars, community centers and theaters with more intimate gatherings in private homes. For someone known for her ability to rouse crowds with her takedowns of Wall Street and President Donald Trump, the trip offered Warren a chance to forge more personal connections with the state’s activists and powerbrokers.

“I’d like to see how she deals with people one-on-one, that interaction between her and regular folks,” said Jan Bauer, the Story County Democratic chairwoman, who planned to attend a small-group meeting with Warren in Ames on Saturday.