Inconvenient energy fact of the day

Energy Usage will look the same in 2040 as in 2016. 

In 2016, solar and wind provided just 0.8% of the world’s energy, even after trillions of dollars in taxpayer-extracted subsidies, and will reach only a 3.6% share of energy in 2040, according to the International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook 2017 forecast (see graphic above). The world’s energy future of tomorrow, even almost a quarter century from now in 2040, will look very much like it does today, with fossil fuels supplying the large majority of our energy (81% today vs. 75% in 2040) and renewables playing a relatively minor role as energy sources.

SourcesBjorn Lomborg and Matt Ridley (“Shale is the Real Energy Revolution”).


Via Mark J. Perry