Idaho teacher shortage costs state millions

“Board of Education staffer: Mentoring, professional development and competitive salaries could help retain educators”

The LMT has an editorial by Mary Stone staying that money will fix the education problems in Idaho. 

Yet, if you do a little digging, money is not in the top 5 reasons for teachers leaving

This April 2017 study found that money was #6 on the list. Here are the top 5 reasons: 

  1. Challenging work conditions
  2. Not enough support, not enough respect
  3. Testing and data collection
  4. No longer looking out for kids’ best interests
  5. In the end, family takes priority

What the government wants to do is to bandaid the situation but not fix the root causes. 

Think about it: someone has a four-year (or six-year) education degree. What are they going to do if they don’t teach? Work at Starbucks? That degree is not really transferrable or relatable to real world jobs. Very few employers are looking to hire someone with an elementary education degree. 
