Idaho bills juvenile’s parent $84,500 following wildfire

NewImageWould that law enforcement hold parents of juveniles responsible more often for their kids’ actions. Via The Spokesman Review

Idaho officials have sent an $84,500 bill to the parent of a juvenile after fire investigators determined the juvenile started a wildfire with mortar-style fireworks.

The Idaho Department of Lands in a news release Thursday says the July 7 brush fire burned 420 acres of grazing land near the northern Idaho town of White Bird.

Officials determined the fire was caused by negligent behavior and Idaho law requires the person responsible be billed for firefighting costs.

Federal, state and local agencies responded to the wildfire.

Officials didn’t release the name of the person who received the bill.

Idaho State Forester David Groeschl says humans have caused more than two-thirds of wildfires on lands protected by the Idaho Department of Lands so far this year.