HEIGHT privilege, yes straight white males, it’s a thing!
It’s time we discussed height privilege and how it disproportionately
affects transgender, people of color and fuels rape culture.You
see, although there are no physical or biological differences between
men and women, because sex and gender are just social constructs pushed
by the patriarchy, men are generally taller than women, so when a man is very tall, the proximity of his penis is closer to the mouth of nearby shorter women.Women are then forced to “speak into the mic”,
every time they say something, and if they are educating a straight male
by yelling at him, the mouth is open even wider which risks exposure to
bodily fluids such as semen or perhaps even urine if they’re from
Sweden or Germany.In fact women speaking to such tall men
simulates oral sex in a variety of ways, but NONE of them are
consensual. We feminists call this P.I.F.S or “Penis in Face Syndrome”.At a recent feminist conference, women were finally given equality, and
height privilege removed by use of platform shoes, which we are
currently lobbying to have made mandatory on college campus.We
are also intending to push thin privilege in future and force fit people
to walk around campus wearing heavy weighted bags, so they know just
how difficult it is for cellulite-diverse people.

And this:
Just so you know, we now have
funding from both Brown and Berkeley Universities to produce even more
of these shoes. Rape culture is rife on campus, but we know that when a
straight male has to look us in the eye because we’re wearing these,
he’ll think twice !!