Heavy snow in France – In May


14 May 2018 – Snow fell on Sunday in the Upper Loar, Ardèche, Centa, Haute-Loirel and Lozère, triggering an orange weather alert due to snowfall and icing.

In addition, as Meteo France claims, the snow is wet and heavy, which can destroy spring plants, as well as cause tree branches breaking, power outages and roofs collapse. Météo France calls it “heavy and settled, notable and late” in the season.

Four cm of snow appeared at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. it was already at least 12 cm and growing, because the snow is falling and according to meteorologists it will fall until late Monday.

At an altitude above 1 km, the thickness of the snow cover may exceed 50 centimeters.

Heavy May snowfall surprises south Massif Central

In some places, over 12 centimetres of snow has fallen, especially at high altitudes of over 1,400 metres and higher.

Even at over 900 metres, over four centimetres have been recorded, with as much as seven centimetres at altitudes of 1,240 metres.

It is continuing to snow today (Sunday May 13), with Météo France suggesting that up to 50 centimetres could settle in areas higher than 1,000 metres.


Heavy May snowfall surprises south Massif Central

Since yesterday, the four departments have been on “orange alert” – the second-most severe level – for snow and ice, with the forecaster predicting that the conditions could make driving dangerous and difficult.

Wiosna zapomniała o Francuzach. W połowie maja znów spadł śnieg

https://www.gismeteo.ua/static/news/img/src/26228/3a5d01dc.jpg Tak chłodnej i brzydkiej wiosny mieszkańcy Francji już dawno nie pamiętają. Mimo, że mamy już połowę maja, kilkucentymetrowa warstwa śniegu pokrywa od niedzieli górskie regiony na południu i w centrum, powodując chaos na drogach oraz przerwy w dostawach prądu. Śnieg spadł w niedzielę w Górnej Loarze, Ardèche, Cental i Lozère, gdzie obowiązuje jednocześnie pomarańczowy…