Health care advocates decry House move to kill health care bill without a vote

I’m a health care advocate. I don’t know anyone who isn’t. 

But what Betsy means is “government health care advocates” or “socialized medicine health care advocates” or “Obamacare advocates.”  

According to the Spokesman Review, if you are not for government health care, you are not for healthcare. 

Health care advocates are decrying the House’s move today to send the Idaho Health Care Plan bill back to committee without a vote for a second time, marking a sixth straight year lawmakers have declined to take action to address the state’s health coverage gap. “Medicaid expansion is the only thing left to solve the problem with the gap in Idaho,” said Tracy OIson, a leader with Medicaid for Idaho, a group that’s gathering petition signatures for a ballot initiative. The group recently announced that it’s gathered half the signatures it needs.