Hamas Bomb Maker Accidently Blows Himself Up

NewImageI understand jihadists have a problem with premature detonations.

You know you have failed in your life’s work when that same work is the very thing that kills you.

A “bomb-maker” for the terrorist group Hamas has died after accidently blowing himself up on Sunday.

According to a news release from Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigade, Field Commander Muhammad Walid al-Quqa, blew himself up while he was “setting up” something that had to do with the device.

If you’re a terrorist and you accidently blow yourself up, do you only receive half the amount of virgins that you would normally receive for being a murderer?

The Israeli news organization Haaretz reported that al-Quqa was “Gaza explosives expert,” and that the bomb detonated inside a warehouse used for bomb-making.

Guess someone wasn’t that much of an “expert.”

Hamas is recognized by the U.S. as a foreign terrorist organization, according to the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).